Sripada Sai Koushik
Koushik is currently pursuing the bachelor’s programme in Physical Planning from School of Planning and Architecture Delhi, India. He wants to gain an in-depth understanding of disaster preparedness and management. He aspires to utilize the knowledge and experience from this project throughout his personal and professional journey. He is supporting the Search, Rescue and Safety segment in DISPECS.

Ahana Chatterjee
Ahana is currently pursuing the bachelor’s programme in Physical Planning from School of Planning and Architecture Delhi, India. She wants to gain experience, apply her learnings in the professional field, & learn about disaster management. She is supporting the Livelihoods segment in DISPECS.

Aishwarya Jayan
Aishwarya is currently pursuing master’s programme in Disaster Management from Tata Institute of Social Sciences Mumbai, India. She has direct interest in the project as DISPECS deals with disaster and is working closely with communities who are affected by disasters the most. She aims to gain in depth understanding on innovation and problem solving for such communities. She is supporting the Community Savings segment.

Dr. Manveer Kaur
Manveer is currently pursuing Master’s in Public Health from Indian Institute of Public Health Gandhinagar, India. She seeks to gain understanding and awareness on water, health and sanitation (WaSH). She is supporting the Hygiene segment in DISPECS.

Joy Christine Nduta Kimani
Joy is pursuing her bachelor’s degree in Geomatic Engineering from Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology, Juja, Kenya, East Africa. She wanted to be a part of a project that is supporting communities to prepare themselves before disasters and mitigate their losses. She is contributing in the Livelihoods segment in DISPECS.

Shashwat Shukla
Shashwat is currently pursuing master’s programme in Development Studies from Tata Institute of Social Sciences Mumbai and the University of Sydney, Camperdown. He is interested in exploring the field of disaster management and preparedness while working on community-centric and community-led solutions. He is supporting the Using Technology to Build Rapid Solutions segment in DISPECS.

Alark Thakkar
Alark is currently pursuing his bachelor’s degree in Technology from Vellore Institute of Technology Nagpur, India. He has training in wilderness first aid and wanted to apply his knowledge and skill that motivated him to be a part of DISPECS. He is supporting the First Aid segment

Juma Zaddy Rabbin
Juma has completed his undergraduate education from Masinde Muliro University of Science and Technology Kenya, East Africa. He has a Bachelor’s degree in Disaster Mitigation and Sustainable Development. He wanted to be a part of projects on disaster management. Through his involvement, he aims to gain more knowledge and understanding of preparedness for different areas around the world. He is supporting the First Aid segment in DISPECS.

Montkells A. Kesesi
Montkells has completed his undergraduate education from Masinde Muliro University of Science and Technology in Kakamega county, Kenya, East Africa. He has a bachelor’s degree in Disaster mitigation and Sustainable Development. He wants to gain more skills, experience and exposure in disaster management and research. He also wants to employ the skills he has gained while volunteering with Kenya Red Cross Society. He is supporting the Awareness/Information Dissemination segment in DISPECS.

Shadwal Shrivastava
Shadwal is currently pursuing the bachelor’s programme in Physical Planning from School of Planning and Architecture Delhi, India. He aspires to get hands-on experience in disaster preparedness and management for marginalized communities and apply his learnings from college on live projects. He is supporting the Search, Rescue and Safety segment in DISPECS.

Kareena Bordoloi
Kareena is currently pursuing master’s programme in Social Work from Tata Institute of Social Sciences Chennai, India. As a social worker, she has interest and experience in working with communities in the past. She wanted to be a part of DISPECS as it is giving her the opportunity to contribute to the design of a segment from planning to implementation. She is supporting the Mental Health segment.