z` FLITE | Project Defy


What is FLITE

FLITE, or Families Learning Together, is a low-tech, low-cost program: A series of learning sessions over telephone calls designed to enable learning at home, with support from other family members, and using available resources.

For the most part, our first childhood learnings and discoveries take place within the family, but in many cases, this group of people has become little more than a functional economic unit, a place where the different members pursue their paths under the same roof, but often isolated from each other by schools, work, and now, an extensive use of technology.  Suddenly, during the pandemic, family members who were pursuing their own careers and interests outside the home found themselves under the same roof again.

Instead of perceiving this as a potential source of conflict, we feel that families can use each other’s skills, knowledge, and creativity to support each other’s projects and learning.  FLITE focuses not just on the children at home, but rather sees the whole family as a learning unit, who have much to learn from both their shared and unique experiences, who have many common problems to face, and who are ultimately linked together with a strong influence on each other. FLITE facilitators use telephone sessions as a simple way to connect with families, who may be far away, and help them collectively discover their interests and develop a learning journey together, to achieve self-designed goals.

FLITE Report

We’re attaching the FLITE report for you take a glimpse of the overall program and journey.